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Monday 9 March 2015

Apple takes leap into new territory with smartwatch - Apple Smart Watch

Posted: 08/03/2015
Apple's hotly-anticipated smartwatch is expected to debut Monday as the trend-setting firm sets out to make stylish wrist-worn computers must-have accessories for modern lifestyles.
© Provided by AFP Apple has indicated that the entry price for its watch would be $349 in the United States, and that two different sizes would be available in three collections
Industry trackers say Apple Watch will star at a media event being held at the same San Francisco theater where the California tech giant introduced the iPad.
Apple's chief executive Tim Cook has revealed little about the sophisticated wrist wear, but has said that he "can't live without it."
The company announced its plans for Apple Watch last year to much fanfare and has said it would begin shipping in April.
It will mark Apple's first new product type since the iPad in 2010.
Apple has indicated that the entry price would be $349 in the United States, and that two different sizes would be available in three collections, including the "Apple Watch Edition," featuring 18-karat gold cases in yellow or rose, sapphire crystal and finely crafted bands and closures.
The Apple device will connect with the iPhone, and also have a range of apps and sensors, notably for health and fitness.
The watch is also expected to include map software that guides people to destinations with gentle "taps" on the wrist.
Fitness apps on the Apple Watch and its rivals could spell trouble for makers of fitness bands from companies like Jawbone, Fitbit and Nike.
"Apple is poised to once again show how computing platforms are won or lost on the one-two punch of eager consumers and hungry ecosystem partners," said Forrester Research analyst James McQuivey.
Apple reportedly had to scale back health tracking features on the watch after some sensors didn't rise to the challenges.
- Catalyze, dominate the market -
It remains unclear whether Apple -- a latecomer to the wearables segment -- would do for smartwatches what the iPod did for MP3 players and the iPad did for tablet computers.
Apple enters a segment crowded with vendors ranging from South Korean giants Samsung and LG, to Japan's Sony and startups such as Pebble.
Motorola, acquired by Chinese giant Lenovo last year, also produces a smartwatch, and China's Huawei introduced its version at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this month.
Pebble, which burst on the scene with a crowd-funded smartwatch in 2012, this month broke the record on the Kickstarter platform with more than $16 million raised.
Research firm Strategy Analytics predicts Apple will set fire to the market from the outset, projecting sales of 15.4 million units worldwide in 2015, to give Apple a 55 percent market share.
"The Apple Watch is the catalyst to ignite the global smartwatch market," said Strategy Analytics executive director Neil Mawston.
"Apple's famous brand, loyal fan base, deep retail presence and extensive apps ecosystem will ensure healthy uptake for its watch."
Still, he said Apple may see a few glitches that need to be ironed out.
"Apple's first-generation Watch is not yet perfect," Mawston said in a statement.
"Apple will need to upgrade tangibly its second-generation watch to stay ahead of competitors later this year."
He noted that rival models are more attractive, have a longer battery life and offer more affordable prices.
But Deutsche Bank analyst Sherri Scribner predicted an even bigger splash for the Apple Watch, with sales of 17.6 million units this year.
By 2018, Scribner said, one of every four iPhone users will also have an Apple Watch, making the segment worth some $26 billion for the company.
In a research note, Scribner said the Apple Watch should be a "catalyst" to expand the market, with wrist-worn devices gradually becoming a complement to smartphones.
- The next big thing? -
© Provided by AFP The Apple device will connect with the iPhone, and also have a range of apps and sensors, notably for health and fitness
Others say it's not yet clear if the smartwatch will become the must-have accessory for consumers, particularly if the pricing remains at current levels.
Roger Kay, analyst at Endpoint Technologies Associates, said Apple's loyal consumer base will deliver a certain number of sales but won't guarantee widespread adoption.
"There will be 10 million people who will buy it because it's from Apple," Kay said. "But the larger question is whether this category really has legs."
A key question is whether Apple can create the same kind of buzz and energy around a new product without its legendary leader Steve Jobs, who died in 2011.
"Steve could distort reality and tell everyone it was the next big thing, and people would believe it," said Kay.
"They've never done it without Steve. So this is the challenge for Tim Cook."

Halal Industry eyes rise in exports this year - Malaysia

Posted: 09/03/2015
The Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) expects halal exports to rise this year on falling global oil prices and a weakening ringgit, says Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer Datuk Seri Jamil Bidin.
"Lower global oil prices could result in lower logistics costs and lower production costs, leading to competitive pricing and encouraging consumer spending, a good thing for the country," he told Bernama.
Halal Logo
However, Jamil said those who import the ingredients for their products should start looking for substitutes.
He said the global economic scenario affecting Malaysia will somehow correct itself, but at the same time the business community must adjust itself accordingly.
He said the corporation remains optimistic of achieving positive growth in halal exports despite the current hiccup, and was recently approached by French companies to collaborate in the republic's halal market.
"France could be our new gateway to the European countries, which are home to about 40 million Muslims. I was told that the halal market in France alone totals £6 billion (RM25 billion)," he said.
Jamil said with its entry into this new market, HDC is on track to contribute at least five per cent to the country's annual halal exports.
For the first nine months of 2014, halal exports stood at RM28 billion, up 17% from RM24 billion recorded for the same period in 2013.
Jamil said HDC is confident that halal exports for 2014, to be announced soon, would be more than the RM32 billion registered in 2013. – Bernama, March 8, 2015.

Solar-powered plane begins round-the-world attempt - ABU DHABI - UEA

Posted: Monday March 9, 2015 MYT 5:18:00 PM 
The Solar Impulse Two plane takes off for a trip around the world from Al Bateen Executive Airport in Abu Dhabi, UAE. - EPA
ABU DHABI, March 9, 2015 (AFP) - The first attempt to fly around the world in a plane using only solar power launched from Abu Dhabi on Monday on a landmark journey that will test its pilots’ endurance to the limit.

“The adventure has started,” Solar Impulse chairman Bertrand Piccard said emotionally, after pilot Andre Borschberg took off from Abu Dhabi’s Al-Bateen airport at 7:12 am (0412 GMT) on the historic circumnavigation aimed at promoting green energy.

The 400 kilometre (215 nautical mile) maiden leg to the Omani capital Muscat was expected to take around 12 hours.

After four hours’ flying, Borschberg was on schedule, having already entered Omani air space and covered just over a third of the distance.

Screens are pictured as technicians work at the control centre for the Solar Impulse 2 solar powered aircraft in Monaco early on March 9, 2015, during the plane’s take-off from Abu Dhabi in the first attempt to fly around the world in a plane using solar energy. - AFP

The takeoff by Solar Impulse 2, which was originally scheduled for Saturday but delayed due to high winds, capped 13 years of research and testing by Swiss pilots Borschberg and Piccard.

Live video streaming on the website monitoring his progress showed the pilot, wearing an orange jumpsuit, breathing into an oxygen mask.

“From Mission Control Center in #Monaco the engineers are helping me to perform Oxygen Mask tests from #SolarImpulse,” he tweeted.   Borschberg had earlier attempted to give media interviews before calling his wife, according to the live feed.   Shortly before takeoff, the 63-year-old pilot tweeted that the “challenge to come is real for me > the airplane”.

The wingspan of the one-seater plane, known as the Si2, is slightly bigger than that of a jumbo jet, but its weight is around that of a family car.

From Muscat, it will make 12 stops on an epic journey spread over five months, with a total flight time of around 25 days.

It will cross the Arabian Sea to India before heading on to Myanmar, China, Hawaii and New York.
Landings are also earmarked for the midwestern United States and either southern Europe or North Africa, depending on weather conditions.

The longest single leg will see a lone pilot fly non-stop for five days and nights across the Pacific Ocean between Nanjing, China and Hawaii, a distance of 8,500 kilometres (5,270 miles).

A live video feed of the Solar Impulse 2 solar powered aircraft is pictured on a screen at the mission control centre in Monaco early on March 9, 2015, during the plane’s take-off from Abu Dhabi in the first attempt to fly around the world in a plane using solar energy. - AFP
Cockpit like home

Borschberg and Piccard will alternate stints flying the plane, which can hold only one person, with the aircraft able to fly on autopilot during rest breaks.

“You have to make the cockpit like your own house... you go to the toilet, you wash yourself with wet wipes, you eat, you drink, you recline the seat to have some rest, you turn on the autopilot,” Piccard told reporters.

The pilots have undergone intensive training in preparation for the trip, including in yoga and self-hypnosis, allowing them to sleep for periods as short as 20 minutes but wake up feeling refreshed.

All this will happen without burning a drop of fuel.

The pilots will be linked to a control centre in Monaco where 65 weathermen, air traffic controllers and engineers will be stationed. A team of 65 ground staff will travel with the two pilots.

Should a problem occur while sleeping, the support staff can wake up the pilot.

“We want to share our vision of a clean future,” Piccard said of the mission, which was ridiculed by the aviation industry when it was first unveiled.

But the 57-year-old, who hails from a family of scientist-adventurers and in 1999 became the first person to circumnavigate the globe in a hot air balloon, clung to his belief that clean technology and renewable energy “can achieve the impossible”.

The plane is powered by more than 17,000 solar cells built into wings that, at 72 metres (236 feet), are longer than a jumbo and approaching those of an Airbus A380 superjumbo.

Thanks to an innovative design, the lightweight carbon fibre aircraft weighs only 2.3 tonnes, about the same as a family 4X4 and less than one percent of the weight of the A380.

The Si2 is the first solar-powered aircraft able to stay aloft for several days and nights.

The propeller craft has four 17.5 horsepower electric motors with rechargeable lithium batteries.

It will travel at 50-100 kilometres per hour, with the slower speeds at night to prevent the batteries from draining too quickly.

“This airplane is conceived to stay airborne days and nights in a row, maybe a week, so we hope that we make these very long flights because this is the demonstration of the vision of flying solar power with no fuel forever,“ said Piccard.

It is scheduled to arrive back in Abu Dhabi in July.

Source: The Star Online

Robber gunned down in heist at Taman Maluri shopping mall - Malaysia

Posted: Monday March 9, 2015 MYT 1:57:00 PM 
KUALA LUMPUR: A 30-year-old robber was shot dead at the entrance of a shopping mall in Taman Maluri here following a heist on Monday.
The Naza Citra used in the heist that led to one robber dead.
In the 11am incident, four men in full-face helmets rammed into a money changer's outlet by reversing a white Naza Citra into the mall. The outlet was located near the entrance of the mall.
City CID chief Senior Asst Comm Zainuddin Ahmad said the men, two armed with parang, then threatened the money changer before making their escape with an undisclosed amount of money.
As the suspects were running away, a security guard, who saw the incident opened fire.
"Three shots were fired, one hit the robber in the chest. He died at the scene. 
"Seeing that their accomplice had been hit, the three other men fled the scene,” said ACP Zainuddin.
"Two of them fled on a motorcycle which was parked near the exit while the other ran on foot," he said.
"We believe the suspects had planned the heist as there was a getaway vehicle nearby," he added.
Police said the Naza Citra car was reported missing in Jinjang last year.
Source: The Star Online - Malaysia