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Sunday 19 April 2015

Dr M snubs opposition offer to work together to 'save Malaysia' - 2015

Posted: 19 April 2015 - 08:34pm - 
Aiezat Fadzell and Haikal Jalil
KUALA LUMPUR: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today snubbed an offer by the opposition to work together to "save Malaysia".
"I'm not working with anyone to take down Najib, not the opposition.
"The problem is within Umno itself," Mahathir said.
On Saturday, veteran DAP politician Lim Kit Siang had told Malaysian students during a talk in Alexandria, Egypt, that he is ready to put aside past problems if that is what it takes to save the country.
Lim had called for a new "save Malaysia" coalition comprising MPs from both sides of the political divide to defend the Federal Constitution and rule of law with a new prime minister and new government.
Mahathir also warned Najib not to be misled into thinking that he has public backing just because of the declarations of full support.
Mahathir said despite the open support declared by all Umno wings, many still come to him and say they support his call for Najib to step down.
"Everyday when I meet people, they say, you are not alone.
"It cannot be me alone, that I'm the only one who wants him to step down, I think a lot of people want him to step down for the good of Umno and the country," he told reporters at a forum titled "Engaging the young to criminalise war and energise peace" held at Putra World Trade Centre, here.
Mahathir added that during the 13th general election in 2013, thousands declared their support for Najib, however, the election results showed otherwise.
"Thousands of people, all holding up the placard saying 'I love PM', were there but when it came to the election, his performance was worse than Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
"Lots of people meet me, but they don't like to be seen meeting me or supporting me. I understand their worries.
"People have been arrested and then released and things like that, people are now afraid the police might come for them.
"So while they agree with me, they are not going to show it," he said.
Mahathir said Najib's refusal to address allegations such as those surrounding 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) and linking him to the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu has put Barisan Nasional at risk.
Meanwhile, Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammudin Hussein said there will be no end to explaining all the criticisms and questions posed by Mahathir.
Implying that Mahathir will not be satisfied till he gets what he wants, the Umno vice-president said: "There would be no end if we want to answer all the criticisms and allegations. Sampai kiamat tak selesai (It will not be resolved until the end of time).
"The important thing is for party members to unite and look forward to our future," he told a press conference after attending the National Service Training Programme transformation open day at IOI City Mall in Putrajaya.
Hishammudin said criticisms against Najib should not be made to the point that they affect the leadership, party and country's administration.
He also said there is no need for the party to entertain Mahathir's criticisms.
Najib had responded to Mahathir's criticisms in a pre-recorded interview over TV3 on April 9, in which he implied that Mahathir's criticisms were due to his desire for the "crooked bridge" to be revived and the 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M) discontinued.
Source: The Sun Daily - Malaysia

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